Become part of something special

After five years of incubation, LGC incorporated in 2004. The founding principles and values have never changed despite constant innovation. We are not the next of kin in a long-running construction bloodline. Rather, we are proud of our youth as an organization and the resulting strength through out-of-the-box thinking and a fresh approach to the construction process. 

Our founding partners had backgrounds in insurance, marketing and real estate. After several renovation projects, we built the first new home. It was sold and occupied after only four months. Not even two years later, and with eight projects completed, we started our first custom-designed project. We found our calling, and ultimately an exclusive focus in creating an experience for building totally custom homes at unprecedented value. Our ever-growing team continues to change the game in homebuilding; in twenty short years we have built over 300 homes! 

Youth as a company affords us the energy, creativity and focus needed to maintain an unwavering level of dedication to the people we work for. All of us are design-centric, customer-focused, unrelentingly detail-oriented and a little eccentric. And we are confident you will love our approach to the process and impressive ability to adapt. Let’s get started on something special.

parade '09

parade '09

parade '14

parade '14

somewhere in green creek - circa 2004

somewhere in green creek - circa 2004